Commit log from 'a1abc32' to '' (most recent changes are listed on top):

f39221e Datepicker: close_widget() now uses new container_widget object
932ed10 Datepicker: add shadow, rounded corners, and adjusted border color to match Firefox datepicker
91cddd4 Datepicker: adjust datepicker widget height based on content height
-add container_widget variable
-add resize_container() to resize container <div>
-use body.offsetHeight if available, otherwise clientHeight
-if offsetHeight is not clientHeight, then add 2px
-clientHeight is the actual height displayed
-offsetHeight is the height occupied by the content
-offsetHeight is off by 2 in all browsers the first time around
-add set_container() to collect container <div> and call resize_container()
-call iframe.set_container(datepicker_widget) in show_datepicker_widget()
-call resize_container() in display_month() and month_select_show()
-reformat set_edit() to match new set_container()

-CSS fix for monthview header button height
e647bbe Datepicker: fix for findPos()
-add clientLeft & clientTop to offset calculation to include border widths
-add preferred option to use obj.getBoundingClientRect() instead (fixes IE6 positioning issues)
-get scroll offsets from document viewport
-use window.scroll* if available instead of viewport offsets (fixes Chrome)
aba5ade Datepicker: index page - move js into <head> + link to datepicker_webkit.css if native datepicker is available
2d343a3 Datepicker: renames, code formatting/comments, minor improvements/fixes
-rename date-picker.js to datepicker.js
-rename calendar_widget.html to datepicker_widget.html
-remove calendar_conf.js -> added 2-line content to datepicker_widget.html
-rename calendar_widget for container <div> to datepicker_widget
-rename calendar_widget_iframe to datepicker_widget_iframe

-code format fixes/edits:
-add missing 'var' for variable
-add missing semicolons for consistency
-add comments for browser-specific fixes

-minor improvements/fixes:
-move startup calls to create_calendar_widget() and attach_datepickers() into window.onload handler
-use renamed CSS file in datepicker_widget.html
-use new month_button class instead of inline CSS
-remove unused variable 'date' in show_datepicker_widget()
-add new text_button class to [clear], [month], [close] buttons
5940bba Move webkit/blink native datepicker styles to datepicker_webkit.css
-remove selection background color from datepicker text
-show clear button, position to left of dropdown button, z-order to front
f5b8216 Datepicker: rename CSS file + cleanup + new button classes
-calendar-style.css renamed to datepicker.css
-remove link styles (no more <a> links in datepicker)
-added text and month button styles (avoid inline styles)
-text buttons have padding to improve look
-move body->border up with other basic design directives, add comment for browser-chrome-adjust directives
32124db Datepicker: index - extra dateboxes for testing, remove any extra bits from dateboxes to eliminate any possible dependencies for testing
a44677c Datepicker: block all keypresses in datepicker frame - prevents unintended backspace-to-go-back
-comment adjustment
-semicolon added for consistency
88da3a0 Datepicker fixes and improvements
-set attached datebox to readonly & change the pointer to hand/click cursor (so users don't assume they can type)
-fix angle buttons - onclick the whole table cell, not just the text label
ab9640e Give month button the 'button' look + specify a uniform width for weekday columns
a8b9384 replace index test with lorem-ipsum + clean up second datebox to demonstrate that inline code on the dateboxes is unnecessary
a3a58ab Workaround for broken focus in old Chrome (<20) would *normally* trigger on Opera-webkit too, but this code never runs on Opera because it supports the native datepicker from Opera 10+
the same applies for newer Chrome (20+)

On Chrome only,
-close datepicker on parent window mousedown
-focus datepicker on delay (setTimeout)
-show datepicker on datebox click (not just focus)
f910cb7 Fixes & Re-style to match Firefox datepicker
-add weekend style to weekend days
-fix calendar_cells() for weekend day cells (>1 class)
-fix this_month class never display b/c same level as month class
-fix today class white text for contrast
-fix: remove border on iframe in IE6
a01edb0 test blink/webkit-specific styles for native datepicker
229977b Datepicker: Automatically attach the datepicker to any <input type="date"> elements on the page
-remove event handlers from our test <input>
-copy grep() function from calendar_widget.html
-add date_inputs() function based on calendar_cells() from calendar_widget.html:
-grab all <input> elements
-use grep() to filter for:
-type="date" for modern browsers, such as Firefox 52 and Internet Explorer 11
-type=date for older browsers, specifically Internet Explorer 6
-return the filtered list
-add attach_datepickers() function to set the onFocus event handler of each date_inputs() listitem
-call the attach_datepickers() function on startup

NOTE: having the attach code as a separate function allows us to call it dynamically after new date inputs have been added to the page (e.g. Itemized Medical Expense Forms with the AJAX-generated form code)
a74324c Datepicker fixes and improvements
-move datepicker container <div> CSS from container page to date-picker.js
-remove commented dead code for old Netscape browsers
-change angle_buttons (prev/next) from <a href="#"> to <span>
-change clear, month, and close buttons from <a href="#"> to <span class="link">
-add :hover CSS from .month:hover to .link and .angle_button to make them prev/next, close, clear, and month buttons actually look like buttons
-add cursor:pointer to .angle_button so it's obviously clickable

NOTE: getting rid of <a href="#"> keeps us from breaking #-based links (it changes the page url) AND it saves us from that annoying Windows XP navigation 'click' sound!
411870d Datepicker: width wrapping fix for certain months in downlevel Firefox
-merged top row of calendar view into one table cell to prevent wrapping caused by expanded columns
-removed .clear_button_display, .month_button_display, .close_button_display, and .month_year_display as they are either:
-no longer used
-simply a duplicate for the text-align:center directive in td{}
d3a788e Datepicker: Added month view
-new month view <div>s as a separate widget from the calendar view table
-previous/next year buttons with current year in between
-buttons for each month, 3 per row
-clicking on 'June 2003' toggles month view
-new [month] button (between [clear] and [close]) to toggle month view
-display_month() now toggles views back to the calendar if the month view was left open when datepicker was hidden
-new functions:
-month_cells() returns the monthview <div>s that represent each month, in an array
-same_month() accepts two Dates and returns whether they are the same month of the same year
-month_select_show() toggles views from calendar to month view and updates it with the selected year and the month links for that year
-month_select_click() is called by the month links; it sets the new display month/day and then calls display_month to refresh calendar view
-month_year_left_click() is called by the previous month button; it sets new display year and calls month_select_show() to refresh month view
-month_year_right_click() is called by the next month button; it is otherwise identical

CSS changes:
-removed .button_display (unused)
-added td.month_button_display for new [month] button in calendar view
-added .this_month and .selected_month as month view versions of .today and .current_selection (includes a padding adjustment to allow for border width)
-added .picker_heading for month view first row - keeps prev/next year buttons and year display on one line with decent spacing
-added .month and .month:hover modelled on td.number for month links - monospace padded <div>s to look like clickable buttons
-note the #float:left + display:inline-block hack for IE<8
b82532b Datepicker fixes and improvements
-no longer require enclosing span tag or separate link, just use the date input as "current widget"
-if the current widget is an input, just use it, don't look for parent span's child input
-dynamically determine whether using the datepicker is necessary for the current browser
-create datepicker window at startup/runtime, rather than including it in the page code
-move existing creation code from show_calendar_widget() to new create_calendar_widget()
-change 'Sept' to 'Sep' in month list (all use 3 characters)
-auto-hide the datepicker on focus loss
-on datepicker create, append an onblur() handler to hide the widget on focus loss
-on datepicker show, claim the focus to allow focus loss to trigger handler
-add debug flag to date-picker.js and calendar_widget.html to disable auto-hide code for style debugging
-fix '08' and '09' month/day not parsed bug - change parseInt() to parseInt(,10) - it was assuming octal
-add intpad() function and pad output month and day with a zero if single-digit
-add doctype element to calendar_widget.html
-allow today, current_selection, and other_month CSS classes to be stacked if a particular day meets more than one criteria
-change unnecessary <a> links for days into a single <span> per number; add cursor:pointer to CSS
-move clear/close buttons to top

-add cursor:pointer to .number
-add .link class for cursor:pointer
-add 'angle_button' class (larger font, monospace) to prev/next month/year buttons
-fix invalid CSS
-remove cell-padding & cell-spacing
-add # before all color values
-add px to font sizes
-move font-family & font-size from .calendar_widget to body
-change font-family to Segoe-family san-serif fonts
-add padding:0px to body
-change .today, .other_month, .current_selection from td-specific to general classes
-modify td.number to be square-shaped 'block's
3643c8a Add date picker test to index
26aac73 Datepicker: fix quotes, missing end tag + shift week to start on Sunday
68af2a8 Datepicker: use English month names and shortDate format